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About Elin Annalise

Elin Annalise writes contemporary romance, with many of her books featuring asexual characters. She graduated from Exeter University, where she studied English literature and watched the baby rabbits play on the lawns when she should've been taking notes on Milton and Homer. She’s now pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing at Kingston University London and trying not to get distracted. She's a big fan of koi carp, cats, and dreaming.

Connect with Elin on Twitter @ElinAnnalise or send her an email

Books Published Under Other Names 

Elin also writes dark and stormy stories under other pen names, many of which include asexual representation. You can find out more about these books by visiting 

A quick guide to how Elin's pen names work from 2022 onward: 

Madeline Dyer - dark and stormy stories: YA fiction (traditionally published) and nonfiction and poetry
Elin Dyer - dark and stormy stories: YA fiction (self-published) 
M. Dyer - dark and stormy stories: adult crime and psychological thrillers (coming soon!) 
Elin Annalise - happier fiction: YA romcoms, adult romance, and adult women’s fiction/social studies fiction (first three books self-published, now moving toward traditional publishing) 

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